Sweepstake Program to Promote NHL Partnership and Drive Sales for Danone Oikos

Danone Oikos Snack to Win  web


Danone was looking to develop an exciting promotion in partnership with the NHL to drive sales and promote their partnership. The Oikos "Snack to Win" campaign is one of Danone Canada's largest campaigns that they run every year.

Leveraging the Snipp Promotions Platform, Danone developed a purchase based sweepstakes where consumers who purchased any qualifying Danone products could upload their receipt at https://www.snacktowin.ca (English) & https://www.lacollationgagnante.ca (French) for a chance to win $25,000 in total prizes, including a trip for 2 to the Stanley Cup finals in 2022.

Snipp Solutions : Snipp Contests & Promotions, Receipt Processing