Snipp News

Snipp’s Frito-Lay and Colgate programs featured in Mobile Marketer article on mobile receipt promotions with enticing rewards

Written by Snipp | Jan 13, 2016

Frito-Lay, Colgate reimagine mobile receipt promotions with enticing rewards

Excerpt from the article
Frito-Lay and Colgate are bringing a revamped spin to SMS-based receipt promotions by offering participants alluring rewards from other brands instead of standard money-back offers.

“Customers are interested in more than coupons and discounts as rewards for their interactions,” said Camille Kennedy, senior director of marketing at Snipp Interactive, Toronto. “In the bid to attract participants, value-added offers, both experiential and digital, are very appealing to key consumer demographics, such as the 83 percent of shopper moms who prefer value added products or services from a brand.

“Snipp’s approach is to create rewards that that appeal to the audience profile of our campaigns,” she said. “We have vast rewards catalog spanning a combination of physical, digital and services, to target specific customer segments.

“For example, we now offer Uber credit as a reward, which is proving to be very popular with alcohol brands. Other rewards, such as magazine subscriptions, appeal across many segments of consumers and brands.”

Click here to read the article:
Frito-Lay, Colgate reimagine mobile receipt promotions with enticing rewards